Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Week of Losses and Gains

This is my first post so I will start out by introducing myself.  My name is Michael and I am a C# Developer for a company that will remain nameless in Jacksonville, FL.  I have worked in the software development world for about 10 years and have taken up .NET development for the past 3.5 years.  This blog will contain some development insights as well as some a collection of comedic elements of my life.

To start off with, the name of this blog is based on a Pixies song that I like.  If you have not heard of it look it up.  I have been listening to more Frank Black and the Pixies as of late so that gave me the inspiration for the Blog name.

As far as the title of this blog it has certainly been a week of losses and gains.  My wife and I recently order some new furniture for our daughters room (aka Sarah) and in the process decided to do a number of other things such as:

  • Replace the carpet in 3 rooms in our house including Sarah's room

  • Re-Paint our Sarah's room

This sounds quite simple, but wait a moment human beings are involved in this process, so let the games begin.  To make a very long story short the furniture was delivered damaged.  In the process of the delivery the new carpet was damaged, so Sarah who has been very anxious to get comfy in her new bed is still waiting.  The good news is that this will all work itself out eventually and we just signed up for a new dog.

All good parents know that re-direction can sometimes be a good thing, and this certainly worked.  The furniture and the carpet situation should be worked out next week, and all will be well with the world.  Until our new family member starts howling in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

This is enough for now and I hope top have some technical stuff soon on this blog, but this is my chance to inform the masses of one or maybe even two that I am here.

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